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Tuesday, 24 January 2017

Skinny Bish does Cameroon 2- Meet up with Fanny at Espresso Yaounde and SNH Draggage

 Happy New Year everybody! 3 weeks late, I know but I've been very active on my Facebook, Instagram: theonlyskinnbish and Snapchat:onlyskinnybish platforms :)
 I have been enjoying myself thoroughly at home and have been catching up with friends, fans and family. I love how I keep discovering great places to eat and chill across Yaounde.

Yesterday I decided to check out Espresso with Fanny, whom I be-befriended on social media thanks to all the mutual friends we had in common. Unfortunately the restaurant did not live up to expectations. Service was slow to receive but then we were rushed to pay (even prior to finishing our meals) because our waitress was ending her shift and there was no cash register. Pricing was typical for trendy eatery spots in Yaounde. This was the first time I was visiting a restaurant located in a multi-story building as Espresso also serves as a Cyber Cafe and unfortunately the view was mediocre and the spot filled with noise coming from the street. I ordered a decently tasting shrimp stew and Fanny had spaghetti which was supposed to be pasta, lol. 

All in all, we had good conversation including discussing working conditions in Cameroon, the misogyny still very rampant and female safety before heading to Draggage to see another friends and where I discovered these gorgeous condos located at SNH. I recently found out that my friend's father (Mr Ngu) is the architect behind the construction of this building. This location would make a great backdrop for a proper photo shoot!

  I have been working hard on my business as its official launch is scheduled for March! I can't wait to share it with you.
 In the meantime, keep warm (for those of you in colder areas) and keep pushing through!
 Dress- Coming soon

SKinny Bsh

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